Re: [Salon] New Speaker wants to finance a foreign nation's war by cutting a free tax filing program for Americans, and eliminating tax audits of the wealthy.

Right-wing Peaceniks/Traditional Conservatives, whom we saw so much of at the RJC conference, will love this of course. But so will libertarians as it has the necessary “30 pieces of silver” in the form of tax cuts for the Oligarchs they so loyally serve, and who fund so many of them, with only a few exceptions. I saw that when a prominent liberation commentator I know lamented in 2017, Trump’s vast militiary spending increase as soon as possible upon taking office. But “consoled” himself and any readers by saying, something like,” at least we got taxes cut.” Which was only significantly noticeable to the Oligarchs like Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Charles Koch, and their fellow “Military Industry Complex” Oligarchs.  

On Oct 31, 2023, at 9:44 AM, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

So the new Speaker wants to finance a foreign nation's war by cutting a free tax filing program for Americans, and eliminating tax audits of the wealthy.

Ladies and gentlemen, America First!
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